In a survey of 1000 consumers looking for an over the counter remedy to treat a medical problem indicated that the pharmacist exerts considerable influence.
The study carried out in the UK showed that over half the UK population has asked a pharmacist for advice on a cough or cold remedy. 20% have asked the pharmacist for advice regarding an eye problem and 19% regarding a headache or migraine. 14% of people have asked for advice from the pharmacist regarding a skin complaint such as eczema.
Findings show that women are more likely to ask for a pharmacist’s advice than men. Haemorrhoids (3%) and weight loss (2%) are the least likely ailments for people to seek a pharmacist’s advice about. Almost 70% of pharmacists were said to not only give advice but to suggest a brand of product to use.
This shows that the pharmacist is a key influencer in consumers determining treatment when seeking an over the counter remedy for medical ailments.
(These results are from a survey carried out in 2008)