A new study has shown that owning a dog when you have children sensitive to dogs reduces the incidence of eczema whilst owning a cat when you have children sensitive to cats may increase the incidence of eczema. And so if you are prone to eczema Dogs are better than Cats. A study published on […]
Pollen in the Air
Look out, here comes the pollen. Pollen is commonly associated with allergic reactions, especially those involving asthma and hayfever. It can be a problem for eczema sufferers as well. It is from mid spring until the end of summer that pollen is a major problem. Pollen causes most problems for people when it leaves the […]
Itching, Scratching – Scratching, Itching
Just throw in eczema and you have the complete annoying package. The itch is often the worst and most irritating part of eczema and scratching is usually the most damaging. Eczema is an inflammatory skin condition that has a typical red rash, dry skin and is always itchy. The itch can be so bad that […]
Junk Food Causes Eczema
Foods often trigger eczema. This is a fact now commonly accepted. People prone to eczema often find their condition will worsen when they eat certain foods which they are sensitive or allergic to. New study shows junk food causes eczema A recent study comparing the diet of children in Florence, Italy to the diet of […]
Treating Eczema & Psoriasis From The Inside
Eczema and psoriasis are both inflammatory skin conditions that will affect all individuals differently. There is no direct known cause as to why some people get it and some don’t, but a few probable causes have been identified over the years.
The Dusty Season
Dust is the general name for minute solid particles of matter. Dust occurs in two main forms- Atmospheric dust and Domestic dust. It is the domestic dust that commonly causes flare-ups for eczema sufferers. It’s spring, so dust in the house and dust in the air (in the form of pollen)are very common. It’s a common […]
Does diet affect psoriasis?
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease causing an overproduction of skin cells. This results in thickened patches of skin, which are red and scaly and often itchy and painful. The patches most commonly appear on the knees, elbows, scalp, hands, feet, back, fingernails and toenails. The condition may also lead to arthritis.
The Eczema Rash
The eczema rash is one of the most distinctive features of eczema, despite the fact that its appearance will vary from person to person. Everyone with eczema will have a rash … and an itch. The typical eczema rash is dry, red, scaly and itchy. The skin is always inflamed.
Blisters are a result of a number of causes. Blisters are small fluid-filled sacs that appear on the surface of the skin. They may vary in size from pinpoint to 10mm in diameter. Larger blisters are known as bulla, whilst the smaller ones commonly seen in eczema are called vesicles. Blisters are caused by an […]
Relief For 10 Million Eczema Sufferers In Sight
Allergies Eczema. Eczema Allergies The two go hand in hand. If we could cut out allergies we could significantly reduce the amount of eczema. At last there is hope of a solution An immunization that is being hailed as the “Holy Grail” of vaccine research that would ward off allergy is nearing completion of the […]