Home remedy for Eczema

There are countless types of home remedy’s for eczema that well meaning people have passed on over time. A home remedy for eczema is often formulated through trial and error. Each one of us is different and our bodies respond differently to different regimens.

Allergies and Eczema

Within our society thousands of adults and children suffer from eczema. The most common form of eczema is atopic eczema, which is triggered by allergies.

Eczema Symptoms

The word eczema comes from the Greek language, and it means to ”BOIL OVER”. It is a description that sums up only too vividly the classic eczema symptoms that are associated with the disease.

A Food Diary

One of the most important factors in identifying potential food triggers is your own observation.  Keeping a food diary in which you note down everything you consume is a useful way of detecting whether there is any significant pattern of reaction to a particular food or foods. Following are a few useful tips for keeping […]

Feed Eczema Correctly

For many years there has been considerable controversy about the relationship between food and eczema.  Some believe that eating certain foods will lead to an outbreak of eczema, whilst avoiding these foods will lead to an improvement in their skin condition. Until recently most orthodox doctors dismissed the idea that food had a significant role […]

Playing with Eczema

Children love to play. It’s what they do best. Playing helps a child to grow, develop and learn.

When you have an unwell child it is all to easy to wrap them up in cotton wool and stop them from doing what is only natural for any child – playing.

If it’s natural – it must be safe??!

Over recent years we have seen a trend towards natural products. It is often thought that if it is natural it must be safe. It is true that natural products do not contain the harmful man-made chemicals known to be harsh on the skin. It is however fallacy that natural ingredients will not cause an allergic reaction.

Stressed out to the max!

Eczema is caused by stress? No This is just another eczema fallacy.  Stress often acts as a trigger to eczema flare ups but is not the cause of eczema. Eczema itself may cause stress, which leads to a vicious circle.  An increase in eczema leads to an increase in stress, which further worsens the eczema. […]

Would you pass the Eczema exam?

It’s a horrible time of year at school, you’re so close to the September holidays but you’ve still got a mountain of study and assignments to get through.  These exams are very important as the results will open up doors for their future. Stress is everywhere The children are well aware of the importance of […]

Eczema or Psoriasis, which is it?

How do I know if I have eczema or psoriasis?

The answer is simple – you have to ask your doctor. Only a doctor can give you a definite diagnosis. However there are some typical characteristics that may help to give you a clue.

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